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Showing posts from November, 2010
me and my other future car *wink

me want to be a photographer someday

This, is my first toy cam. No, not one grown ups have like Lomo or Holga or Eximus and on. This is LITERALLY a TOY camera, by elc. This camera lasted for only a few weeks. Because, ...  Yes, I fell in love with da real one. Almost real, since it is a digital camera. This is a real camera! But you know what, ... I think I don't mind to be the model also :) *Bunda was fully occupied with the Volkswagen's Golf GTI exhibition she did not notice I sneaked in to the Billabong store and posed in the display.

my first fortune cookie

It was my first saturday night with Bunda and we had dinner in a chinese restaurant. Look what they gave me, my first fortune cookie :) Bunda said that usually fortune cookies wish people good things, so ... yeah ... amen! Bunda got one too, I guess she got good prayers too. *I was not really in to hers because I am so overwhelmed with mine :D ... what is love anyway? It was was a nice evening. Very nice. After the dinner, we watched Ireng Maulana jazz performance and it was the first time I heard of another jazzy song that made me dance. Bunda told me that it was 'New York New York."