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Showing posts from 2014

Belajar Tentang Bali

Halo, ini Titan. hari ini Titan belajar tentang Bali.rumah adat Bali indah sekali pertama terabuat dari kayu atap dari genteng  dan sebagainya di sana juga ada pura loh ada pura beji,pura besakih dan yang lain nya  juga ada monkey forest kata nya masyarakat Bali  bilang bahwa monkey forest itu suci dan banyak kera kita ketemu lagi ya bye-bye Oleh Malicca Titan Pranisha

current obsession: TITANIC

jalan ke lolipop lalu ketinggalan sepatu

pada suatu hari titan/zoya/rana/eryn dan raiqa pergi ke lolipop. lalu pas pulang samma bunda.  suruh naik stroler lalu sepatunnya di taruh di bawah padahal di bawah bolong lalu 1 sepatu titan jatuh lalu titan kaget abis kaget duduk lagi. di stroler abis itu  titan makan malam sama bunda dan bubu. lalu titan mau ke toilet. lalu titan abisin makanan nya titanlalu ke toilet sebelum  ke toilet bunda tau bahwa titan kehilangan 1 sepatu lalu bunda  bunda sewot sewot ke titan lalu pulang  TAMAT

My big ship collection

The Unicorn Titanic Britasiano

... and her name was Naira

one day, after school.  i was caught red-handed walking down the alley with her. 

the end of term

things I remember in K-1 / B my friends in K-1 / B My order to Bebikinan for my teachers Thank you, Mr. Dandin & Mrs. Lia

it's my birthday!

bunda said, today is my seventh round circling the sun. it means that i am seven years old. look what i got in my school's locker! a secret birthday greeting card from i don't know who. or, do I?  and look what I got for my birthday cake! awesoooome!!! thank you bunda and sydney's mom for making this happen! Never too big for presents! Look, even Dodey was so excited!  *whispering my wishes and... blow!* My lovable friends in K1/B Woohoo! Titanic cake! Thank you, fellas! Let's keep sailing! Yes, I am se7en now 


the thing up on the roof was inspired by chinese house. I like the windmill. Bunda said she likes the window pane that we can open it upside-down. she also likes the roof on the left that looks like canopy. she said i should better colour it with colourful colours.

A drawing from Zoya

Zoya is my friend in K-1/B Today, he drew me this.  Nice one. 

My latest drawing - April 2014

Onceler and the truffula forrest  Rainbow Unicorn Another Mosque I designed

Bed time story

I like to read books before bed. Bunda usually read them for me, but for the past two days; I hand-picked and read them myself. So far they are: The missing piece meets the big O by Shel Silverstain and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.

lego portfolios

Rumah Kita

Pada suatu hari aku dan keluargaku pindah rumah. lalu aku membantu membereskan rumah nya. lalu besok aku bangun pagi biar bisa jalan-jalan. setelah itu aku mandi lalu aku sarapan. sama keluargaku lalu aku. Tidur siang lalu makan siang. lalu di sore hari bunyi lah adzan. lalu shalat lalu makan  malam lalu tidur TAMAT     MORAL BUKU INI ADALAH. KITA HARUS MEMBANTU ORANG LAIN

Happy holiday! - Tribute to term 3 holiday in K-1 B

well, kembali mengusung tema 'the unplanned continues' untuk tahun 2014, inilah yang terjadi dengan short getaway saya dan keluarga weekend ini. bertepatan sama malicca yang lagi libur term 3, akhirnya kita berangkat ke rumah nini asih & aki mumu di pandeglang. tentunya, aki dan nini asli la luna dan malicca juga ikutan. the plan was, to have a night sleep over. ternyata, sampai sana nini asih lagi ikutan pengobatan alterlatif pijat refleksi. dan nini atty mau ikutan juga; padahal pengobatan itu enggak boleh keputus harus 3 hari berturut-turut. akhirnya, ... syalala la laaa... menginaplah kita di pandeglang dari hari kamis - minggu. maafkan karena kami sungguh merepotkan ya nini asih & aki mumu :'( and yes, we had so much fun! ini kali ke dua la luna main ke empang dan sawah milik nini asih & aki mumu. terakhir kita ke sana, 6 bulan yang lalu waktu luna umur 2 bulan dan masih anteng teng teng. sekarang mah ... hadeuuuh *pijet kepala, pijet boyok* mahluk...

your second crush

After Putri Yogi, your first crush in Bee School, the day came again as you announced me your second crush. "My love" you said.  Her name is Naira, you whispered it to me and I had to keep the secret.  She was the reason you wanted to say longer after your Iqro extended class. Because you had 'exploring time' (literally explored the school) together with her.  *Cute overloads*

you were 6 years and 10 months

with your rabbit teeth What are you thinking of?  The new fave spot Your fave style: baju koko and peci Your style to Aki's 68th birthday One evening, strolling together with adek how you grow so fast my satellite! you are going to celebrate your 7th birthday circling the sun, Inshaa Allah. And you cannot wait your lego present from me. Seventh. Seventh??? Oh, ... it was like yesterday I first held you in my arms and hear you cried in the surgery room. You were such a big baby! Now my baby is really big. Don't grow too fast, please.

Your current sing a long

you are my little joker

Ekspresi kejepit jepit rambut adek

Hobi baru

Titan sekarang punya hobi baru: pakai peci. kata aki, peci ini bahkan jauh lebih tua dari umur titan. pantesan aja warnanya udah berubah jadi coklat atau merah tua ya, ... bunda aja agak bingung. kemana-mana, peci ini selalu dipakai. termasuk, sholat dzuhur di sekolah. lumayan, setiap jemput jadi langsung ketauan yang mana anakku :) Bantu ngulek kacang buat ketoprak