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Showing posts from 2015

Vitamin Sea!

It has been a very while. A tribute to Term 1 holiday, October 2015. Pulau Umang, here we come! Woke up to a journey! Luna got sleepy again PLTU we passed by Dream comes true! Chilling Hello, us! My things Bubu taught me to play pool for the first time Survival on the beach: find something hairy to make fire Made new friends Bunda and me Let's play water! us Luna starts enjoying the beach Hello, sun! All aboaaaard! Lighthouse for the first time

cinta itu sederhana

bunda: titan, kamu tau nggak. bunda tuh sayaaaang banget sama titan. titan: tau. bunda: ah, masaaaa? titan: iya. bunda: how do you know? titan: karena bunda selalu selimutin titan kalau titan kedinginan malam-malam. oh, ... bundanya meleleh nak. cinta itu sederhana. thank you for teaching me that. 

Painting for March 2015

Apple and a can of honey