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Showing posts from March, 2014

your second crush

After Putri Yogi, your first crush in Bee School, the day came again as you announced me your second crush. "My love" you said.  Her name is Naira, you whispered it to me and I had to keep the secret.  She was the reason you wanted to say longer after your Iqro extended class. Because you had 'exploring time' (literally explored the school) together with her.  *Cute overloads*

you were 6 years and 10 months

with your rabbit teeth What are you thinking of?  The new fave spot Your fave style: baju koko and peci Your style to Aki's 68th birthday One evening, strolling together with adek how you grow so fast my satellite! you are going to celebrate your 7th birthday circling the sun, Inshaa Allah. And you cannot wait your lego present from me. Seventh. Seventh??? Oh, ... it was like yesterday I first held you in my arms and hear you cried in the surgery room. You were such a big baby! Now my baby is really big. Don't grow too fast, please.

Your current sing a long