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Showing posts from September, 2012

My first time writing story

OK. This is the complete story: Suatu hari Titan lagi bakar sampah di depan rumah. Karena asapnya, Titan jadi batuk lalu masuk ke rumah. Di dalam rumah, Titan masak pancake dan bikin teh manis. Nah, seperti yang bisa kita lihat di gambar; itu dia tuh makanannya. Habis makan pancake dan minum teh manis, Titan antar Bunda ke mall untuk membeli sayuran. Setelah itu, kami pun pulang. The End

My first paintings!

I kinda have a new hobbies for the weekends: painting! My twin grannies taught me the first time and I continue painting ever since. Not always, only when we got leisure times on weekend. I used to love drawing cars. But at this moment, I prefer to paint Kakek Up house by the Paradise Falls. Oh, Bunda like to paint with me too. She likes cute paintings more. As you can see below, the cat is her first painting ever! Let's get ready The House by the Paradise Falls On the left is Bunda's first painting "Pat-Pat"

My life, so far

Halo, ... sekarang aku udah kelas K1-B lho! Dari Bee School, aku pindah ke High Scope. I love my school so far. I love it so very much. I love their mini wonderland. I love my miss. I love my school bus. I love my friends. I love my homework and I always remember when I have ones. I like to go the library in my Plan Do Review time, ... not to read books; but to play hide and seek hahahaha I almost end my first term and is having my summative week at this moment. Wish me luck! My daily activities at school  Studying Mandarin at home  My Science & English weekly project This is my ID for social science project

My two favorite things, lego and paintings