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Going Musician

My Bunda is a copywriter. She makes advertisement you watch on TV, newspaper and radio. Today, I went to the musician with her. Yes, the commercial I used to sing out loud, today I have the chance to know the process of making it.

The studio is in Kemang, it is called Bumble Bee music studio. I met the musician there, his name is uncle Boen. I met Tante Patty and Tante Shinta, my Bunda's office mate. And I met Tante Siwi, the producer.

While Bunda was busy supervising the music, I got busy with the internet. I browsed galaxies, Tom & Jerry and Vespa museum in Italy. Soon as Bunda's client arrived, I remember Teteh Dinda left her NDS in the car. So, without her knowing, I just played it hehehe. 

That is the highlight of today, not to forget that I have spilled a glass of ice chocolate on Tante Siwi's sofa and accidentally kicked the trash bin they were mess all over :D

It is the moon!

Me & Tante Patty

Listening to Totoro theme song


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