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Book and Science fair

In Sekolah High Scope, we have so many events in each term. On term 2, we had the multicultural week and my class performed a Thai Dance as I uploaded a few months ago. 

On term 3, we had Book and Science month and today is the final blast of the event. 
We had book fair and performance based on what we learnt in class: Energy Sources.
I did a little dance, and there was a song me and Bunda like to sing too. 

Listen to the water 
Listen to the water
Rolling down the river

I see some fish by the water side
I see some fish by the water side
Oooo o by the water side
Oooo o by the water side

I see some ducks by the water side, kwack kwack
I see some ducks by the water side, kwack kwack
Oooo o by the water side
Oooo o by the water side

The Performance

Ninda, Me, Bella & Aurel

Motion and movement and bar charts of books we read

We got steam boat as well!


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